Me: Hey, do you wanna here a joke. Friend: Sure. Me: Why don't churches have WiFi? Friend: Why? Me: They can't compete with an invisible force that actually works.
What is the difference between shroud and a shroud imposter?
Shroud uses reddit, and the imposter uses WJE.
Reddit king and q, I really dgaf what you say, you guys are practically obsessed with me cuz ur leaving hate comments on almost all my jokes, so stop. You're obviously gonna look bad if you just insult meh jokes.
If you guys dont like my jokes, you can just dislike and not leave a comment, ok?
Hi, I'm new to this website, please follow.
Welcome to our Computer Show.
I'm Mars Argo.
Welcome to
why does this category seem to have the most retold and recycled jokes on this website?
I talk about the girls in my math class simping over anime characters and making random ships as well as for Miraculous Ladybug children's show, whatever the show is called, but it's a kids show. 💀 Now they’re searching up pictures of Tom Holland laughing in their absolute weirdness.
I like Tom Holland, but these kids man, they like him like they’re in a relationship. They might as well start kissing and licking the screen. They’re probably writing fanfictions in their free time when they aren’t searching up kids show characters, anime characters, and Tom Holland pics on their SCHOOL CHROMEBOOK. Their only device choice was a school-provided laptop which is monitored by the school while they are writing fan fictions on Google Docs and searching up some weird Tom Holland stuff. Imagine how Tom Holland would feel if he found out that there are 11 year old girls searching up some weird stuff about him.
*chatting with a stranger on the internet* Me : Hi, How are you? A stranger : I'm fine, hbu? Me : I'm good 🤷♂️
How did Steven Hawkins die? He lost internet connection
Friday's opening is open. Religion: "Dark model?" Hopi, Kahan, Virra, Sayla, Salafa, Sales, Power, Sleep. Google is “that cave”.
I hope every time you watch YouTube, you get 30 second unskippable ads!
What do you call a person who tries to get you on a dating website... a Brodie.
OnlyFans, but it’s me smacking your baby daddies with Twisted Tea.
Only Cans.
12 people on Let's Gooooo.
"Nihha scarborough face."
Where do spiders seek health advice? WebMD.
Me: Hey, are you going to Sawcon?
Sensei: What is that?
Me: Saw con deez nu...
Sensei: Oh, is it for people with ligma?
Me: What’s ligm...
Sensei: 😈
Me: no no no no
Sensei: Ligma ba...
I only wanted to ruin the 69 jokes.
Heyyyy sistas!
Go to the replies, look at the top and it will say "in your mum."
Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu na na na na na na!