What the fluff happened to this website?
"Cop: I'm arresting you for downloading the entire Wikipedia." Man: "Wait! I can explain everything!"
Google is a woman because it doesn’t let you finish a sentence before it makes suggestions.
What’s the difference between how you watch porn and I watch porn The windows we Watch through
Women used to fear their nudes getting leaked
now it’s $3.99
So basically Star25/AG3.0 and GG miller are the same person since I found some evidence On one post, AG3.0 asked GG miller what’s his name post right here: worstjokesever.com/community/p/6509c2cbefa8ad0a8dfd8dc5 So gg miller replied, “MILLER IS MY REAL LAST NAME, AND GG IS MY REAL MIDDLE NAME” so, we already know Star25’s real name is Adrian Gorges because when he had the AG3.0 account, he said that AG stands for Adrian Gorges. And we also can back this up with his tik tok. www.tiktok.com/@adriangorges2010?lang=en But, there’s an important factor. Gorges can also be shortened to GG. so, we know that GG miller is AG3.0, but let’s back this up even further. If you search up adrianmiller2010, it pops up with AG3.0’s new account’s videos. Since GG Miller’s name says, “Miller” in it, that means that GG Miller IS ag3.0 So taking all of this evidence, we can conclude that AG3.0’s full name, which is, “Adrian Gorges Miller”. Lmk if you have any more things abouts ag3.0 so we can expose him even more
How do you ground a gen z? Make them go outside and socialize
Why is Peter Pan always flying? He Neverlands.
Where do sheep go to get their hair cut? The baa-baa shop.
Why did Adele cross the road? To sing, “Hello from the other side!
How do trees access the internet? They log in.
Did you get them? Me neither. I mean, it is worst jokes ever. I'm kidding, I actually do understand them.
Ur so ugly that when One Direction saw you, they went the OTHER direction (joke from the internet)
Why do hackers in Africa have hard times dealing with firewalls? They don't have water.
My local hacker contacted me and told me that he hacked my computer. I responded, “Show me proof.” He provided the username and password for my email account, bank account, video game accounts, and social media accounts. To be honest, that is the fastest “Forgot Password” procedure I’ve ever done.
To stop my password getting hacked, I changed it to something difficult to crack: StrongBrazilianNut111
Why do orphans suck at web design? They don’t know what a home page is.
What did mommy spider say to baby spider? You spend too much time on the web.
I am on the german website
Yo mama’s so dumb, she trips over the wireless internet.
Hey guys! Want to know something cool? Google Jesus' language. It's Aramaic. Next, google 'God in Aramaic'. See the results for yourself. <3
I looked so deep in the dark web, I started to see Tyrone.
Y'all I'm suspended till wendsday and can't do much cuz I'm on a tablet not my computer. Tell autterpop I won't be on till wendsday or after