My favorite meme is, "N_gga."
Thank you, anonymous user, for helping me with math a few months ago.
Now I got a 31 on the ACT.
What the sigma?
You know what's crazy? Is that the low taper fade, like, meme, is still MASSIVE. Still MASSIVE. Like, I'm still seeing like, new ones, that I've never seen before, and they're getting millions of likes and millions of views.
If you don't like my spelling, Explain Bear, have you realized I'm a duck and you are a bear? I've got more internet power and meme power, so shut the duck up and get a life and stay off my property and the internet.
Friday's opening is open. Religion: "Dark model?" Hopi, Kahan, Virra, Sayla, Salafa, Sales, Power, Sleep. Google is “that cave”.
What the fluff happened to this website?
Haters are hating. I'm still alluring, but I couldn't give a fuck cus this site is dying and boring.
You know Mark once said, "Go away, Freddy, or I'll suck your dick!"
This website contains no jokes, only THE FINGER.
What website should you go to to look up LSD dealers?
Cop: "I'm arresting you for downloading the entire Wikipedia."
Man: "Wait! I can explain everything!"
Why don’t coffins have Wi-Fi?
Because they don’t want people to be so ‘connected’ while they’re trying to rest in peace.
What's the difference between Rorochan and skydivers?
One does it for the cash, the other for the views.
What’s the difference between the way you watch porn and I watch porn?
The windows we look through.
Google is a woman because it doesn’t let you finish a sentence before it makes suggestions.
Y'all ass fr fr.
Why couldn’t the booty be on social media?
It had too many FOLLOWERS behind it.
What does Can do after eating its vegetables?
Go on eBay to see how much he can sell the wheelchair for.
What’s the difference between how you watch porn and I watch porn The windows we Watch through