What does the SpongeBob intro and a pedo have in common?
Are you ready kids?🤣
What does the SpongeBob intro and a pedo have in common?
Are you ready kids?🤣
What does a light bulb and a school shooter have in common? They both light up the room
what did hitler and usain bolt have in common? they both finished the races
What do michael jackson and santa Claus have in common?
They both leave the little kids room with empty sacks.
Spongebob and Jacko have one thing in common.
They both routinely place meat in small buns.
What does a perverted frog say? Rub it
Why don't witches wear underwear? To get a better grip on their broom
What do girls and rocks have in common? The flat ones get skipped
What is red and goes 200 mph? A baby in a blender
What do gay people and mice have in common?
They both hate pussy cats!
What does JFK’s killer and a prostitute have in common? “They both blow heads”.
What does Micheal Jackson and maths have in common they are both hard for kids
What do Paul Walker and I have in common? Neither of us have seen Fast and the Furious 7.
A high school student and his best friend were rushing to class after his best friend caused them both to be late, his best friend asked, "Would you like to hear a joke?" "Sure" he replied. "What do you and your sister have in common?' "I don't know." "Because of me you're both late for your next period."
Q:What does a dead prostitute and a swimming pool have in common? A: They're both cold when you first get in, but warms up after a few strokes
What do kidnappers and Mickey Mouse have in common: come inside it’s fun inside
you know what me and my spine both have in common we are both not straight