What do you call a frozen communist?
Hammer and popsicle.
You guys are better than a triple-scoop ice cream cone... with sprinkles!
Why do orphans eat an ice cream cone?? They can't afford a family pack.
Little Johnny walked into an ice cream shop and asked: "Do you have chocolate filled ice cream?"
The man replies: "We are out of that, sorry, we are almost out of every single flavor, do you want me to get you a vanilla filled one?"
Johnny replies: "Sure."
After that, the man asks for Johnny's phone and goes to back of the store. 5 minutes later, the man comes with an ice cream and Johnny's phone.
Johnny asks: "How much for the ice cream?"
The man replies: "Nothing, it's on the house."
After Johnny ate his delicious ice cream, he searched for his watch history. And then Johnny realized the flavor of the ice cream.
You must be ice cream because I wanna lick you up.
Why can the orphan only buy 1 ice cream cone? He can't afford a family pack
Teacher, there is 3 birds 1 gets shot how many are left.
Student, non they flew off because the shot scared them off.
Teacher, acautly 2 but i like the way you think.
5 minutes later
Student, there is 3 women eating ice cream 1 licking it 1 drinking it melted and 1 sucking it which one is married.
Teacher,the one sucking it?
Student, no the one with the ring but i like the way you think.
Why did the kid drop his ice cream cone?
He got ran over by a bus.
Ice cream is just like I scream.
If you put ice cream on the nutty brownie, you’re serving it a la mode.