I'm doing a new thing where you say an object in the comments, and I will try to make a joke based off the object.
If you are interested, you can submit an object in the comments.
I will give the person credit each joke I do.
Hi guys! In my opinion, I think your jokes are non-funny! Can you make more sense!
Btw, who writes jokes about orphans? Thanks for understanding!
What do you call a Down syndrome kid who has been physically abused by older teenagers and her parents for a total of 16 years and has red marks all over their body?
Not funny because Down syndrome jokes aren't funny ;)
Have you ever been eight before?
You were between 7 and 9
Did you fart, cause you blew me away.
Dark..Humor :)
Are you a toaster? 'Cause I wanna take a bath with you.
Are you a knife? 'Cause you make me wanna KMS.
Are you a painting? 'Cause I hang you.
Are you the flu? 'Cause you make me wanna hurl.
Are you a newspaper? 'Cause you have new problems every day.
Are you the ground? 'Cause I'm six feet deep in you ;)
What's the difference between a duck? One of it's legs are both the same!
why did Sarah fall off the swing.... she had no arms.....what did aaah get for Christmas ?? I dunno, she hasn't opened it yet... knock knock... *whos there*.............NOT SARAH
Knock knock "Who's there?" "Grandma." "Oh, okay."
Nah it's a penis.
what do you call a person who died in war? Little Johnny.
I have a nun joke! It is nun uh ya business!!! Ha!!! Ha!!! Ha!!! Ha!!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣