My Friend- Why does Santa look like that? My 15 Year Old Friend- He has secateurs cancer... Me- I heard its cause he comes once a year. *-Everyone Looks at me-*
What is a peados favourite time off year Halloween because they get free delivery
Yo mama so stupid she threw a Mother's Day party at an orphanage.
What's got 5 arms, 3 legs, and 2 feet? The finish line at the Boston Marathon.
What did the boy with no hands get for Christmas? Gloves! Nah, just kidding... He still hasn't unwrapped his present.
What type of meat do priests eat on Good Friday? Nun.
What is a ghost's favorite cake?
I scream cake!
Why do catholic Irishman in Ireland have a glory hole in the men's restroom inside their restaurants so they can give Irish kisses on Saints Patrick's Day
What does Santa say for the toys to go to bed? Time to hit the sack!!!!
Adam and Eve were sitting on the beach one day and Eve says to Adam let's go for a swim. Adam replies I'm not in the mood. She says ok I will go by myself. She puts her toes in the water and splashes around and says the water is beautiful come in and Adam replies na still not in the mood. Eve wade's into the water until she gets to her waist. Adam jumps up and yells at Eve standing waist deep and says Oh No now all the fish are gonna smell like that.
Why do Christmas trees 🎄 like wheelchairs ? Beacause the have kids
Can ask your sister how are you going for Christmas 🎄 and I have internet
What’s and orphans favorite holidays mothers and Father’s Day
What are the differences between Santa and Joe Biden?
The kids actually want to sit on Santa’s lap.
why does an orphan cry on thanksgiving
family gathering
Why don't Chinese kids celebrate Christmas?
Because they make the toys.
What movie does an orphan want for Christmas? "Spiderman: Homecoming";)
no one:
Taeil: "happy Christmas~"
Haechan: "its merry Christmas"
What do Michael Jackson and Santa Claus have in common?
They both leave the little kids' room with empty sacks.
Why is Santa's sack so big? Because he only comes once a year.
I went on a ballooning holiday recently. I put on four stone.