What do you call hitler when he gets thrown? A gas grenade
Why did Hitler turn to genocide after a failed career as an artist?
He never learned to mix the colors.
You know who deserves a medal? The guy who killed Hitler
John and Chloe are in school arguing about who has the more heroic grandfather. Chloe says "My grandfather killed 50 Nazis, he's so heroic" John says "So what? My grandfather KILLED Hitler"
what is the similarity between Hitler and orphans? they both don't have parent
What does hittlers gas"shower" and guns have in common! They both kill someone
Why did Hitler's cookies taste bad? He forgot to clean out the oven.
Q: What was hitlers least favourite candy
why did hitler kill himself? because the air was gas
why is 4/20 such an epic date?
because It's weed day, columbine, AND hitler's birthday ;)
Hitler killed 18 million and only died once. Fucking camper
Adolf Hitler + Vladimir Putin = Vladolf Putler
Why does hitler hate golf he would end up in a bunker
yall need to add more jokes
What did Hitler kill himself with? A "Nein"-millimeter.
What do you call it when Hitler abuses his wife?
Adolf Hit Her
Harry Kane and hitler are similar they both did nazi them losing
Q: How tall was Hitlers grass A: *Hitler salute* about this high
What’s the difference between a bullet and a Jew?
One comes out of the chamber.
there was a kid and a historian in a museum about ww2 and were looking at hitler in a car doing the nazi salute. The kid said, “why is he putting his arm in the air?”. The historian said “indicators on cars didn’t exist back then so he’s probably saying take the third reich