Roses are red, eggs come in a dozen, do I need to revive Hitler to teach you how to use a goddamn oven?
A man walks into a bar.
Then he walks into a Pole.
Then the Pole says, "I surrender, Heil Hitler!"
Voting for Hillary because of her political experience is like...
Hiring Hitler as a birthday magician because he made 6,000,000 people disappear.
The general proofreading Hitler's speeches was the original Grammar Nazi
What was Hitler’s favorite sex position?
Sixty nein.
You race's favorite Star Wars Characters:
Arab...Admiral Ackbar(Allahu Akbar) East Asian...Qui-Gon Jinn(Ching-Chong-Wing-Wong) Jew...Rey(Ray) Black...BB-8(BBC) Italian...Jabba the Hutt(Pizza Hut) German...Admiral Piett(Hitler)
Q: Why did Hitler shoot himself?
A: Because his mother taught him to take out the trash.
What’s the difference between a Jew and an American the American makes it out of camp
What is Hitler's least favorite fish? Jewfish.
What is the difference between Usain Bolt and Hitler?
Usain Bolt can finish a race.
Why is Hitler better than Biden?
Because Hitler gave his people gas for free.
Hitler was talking about how to fight in WW2 when someone sneezed while Hitler was giving a speech, so Hitler yelled, "WHO SNEEZED ROW 1? DID ANYONE SNEEZE?" They said no, and Hitler shot everybody. Same for row 2 & 3, but in row 4 someone nervous said, "Me, I'm sorry." Then Hitler said, "Bless you."
What’s the difference between God and Hitler?
God made thousands of bread, Hitler made thousands of toast.
Adolf Hitler
The truth behind hitlers suicide, his gas bill was to high.
What was Hitler's favorite thing to do to pass the time?
Jeffery Epstein killed Hitler
What did Hitler get for his birthday?
A G.I. Jew and an Easy Bake Oven.
Osama Bin Laden, Josef Stalin, and Hitler are robbing a bank, who do the cops shoot first?
A black guy.
In the realm of words, where thoughts take flight, A curious tale, strange as the night, Of Alex Fisher, with love so bizarre, For random Hitler lemons, bizarre but bizarre.
Free Verse, they say, this poem shall be, Unrestrained, unrhymed, flowing and free, Yet how to capture this perplexing love, For lemons and Hitler, soaring above?
Alex Fisher, a soul with peculiar taste, Finds joy in lemons with a sour embrace, And Hitler, a name that evokes dark pain, Inexplicably entwined, like wind and rain.
Randomness, the thread that weaves this tale, No logic, no reason, no rhyme to prevail, For who could fathom this peculiar love, Of lemons and Hitler, below and above?
Yet in the realm of words, where all is allowed, We explore the uncharted, the strange and the proud, And though this poem may bewilder and confuse, Let it remind us, acceptance we must choose.
For love knows no boundaries, no norms to abide, It transcends our expectations, with no need to hide, So let us embrace the quirks that make us unique, For in the tapestry of life, we find what we seek.
So here's to Alex Fisher, with love all their own, May they find happiness, wherever they've flown, In lemons and Hitler, a world so absurd, May their love be a reminder, that love has no words.