What do Hitler and trump have in common they both do hand gestures.
What do you call Hitler in a pool? Adolfin.
Why did hitler kill himself?
He didn’t want to pay the gas bill
Hitler was the most handsome man alive Everyone died for him
What’s the difference between Hitler and a bug
what do you call suicidal Hitler?
what does Hitlers partner say when he begins
If Hitler was a comedian, He would use laughing gas
(one of my friends gave me this) Hey, my grandfather was part of WWII. Yeah. He killed Hitler!
user name is nico belick
People say my dad left me and was never successful, but if you search up who destroyed the twin towers he will pop up. Also, my moms great grandpa killed Hitler
What do you call an artist who couldn't make it a Hitler
if the minions serve who ever is the biggest bad then who did they serve 1930-1945
I hate the term feminazi. It is offensive to real Nazis.
DUDE all Hitler ask for was a glass of juice, but every one misheard him.
Eugenics is Hitler-like and more importantly feminist thinking.
what is simular between hitler and trump they both want to keep races out
what did hitler and usain bolt have in common? they both finished the races
Ann frank is still the nazi hide and go seek champion
If Hitler had a cooking channel: Step one... Turn on the gas.