
Guess Jokes

I was watching a tv show where a guy was hanging off a cliff then the series ended...guess you can say that they left that guy on a cliff hanger

My friend had a house FULL of okra, but it blowed up and okra was everywhere . I guess you can call that place Okra-homa!

I had a boyfriend once, he broke up with me because he "wanted to be more alive," guess it didn't work when he went to my basement.

I lost my job making storage units for the police after a week, guess you could say it was a brief case

So, I know that there are a lot of egg YOLKS on this website, and I guess I got BEAT to it, but I'm EGGcited to say EGGsactly what the eggs say. I know I;m bad at this but I hope you will crack up anywat

I did so much research that I got BONE-tired from doing this TIBIA honest. You probably didn’t find that HUMERUS. I got a SKELETON of these puns. I guess i could learn a FEMUR puns. I was wondering if the the creators of this site could TALUS how they come up with puns or maybe give some advice? I'm only 14 years-old.

is your refrigerator running ''yeah i guess'' well you better go catch it haha im girl it funny

My dad and I were talking and my cat left the room So I said “I guess she wasn’t fealine it” My dad said “you’ve got to be kitten me that was purfect” I said “literally”