What's the difference between Bird flu and swine flu?
For one you get tweetment, for the other you get oinkment.
I have just started a sexual relationship with a blind woman. It's very rewarding, but quite challenging.
Took me ages to get her husband's voice right.
What is the difference between American teenage girls and Muslim teenage girls? -- American teenage girls get stoned *before* they have sex.
How's Donald Trump going to get rid of all the Mexicans? -- Juan by Juan.
My town's population never changes. Every time a girl gets pregnant, a guy leaves town.
A programmer and his wife.
She says, "We're out of bread. Please go to the grocery store and buy one. And if they've got eggs, get six."
After a while, he's back with six loaves of bread.
The wife asks, "Why did you buy 6 loaves of bread?"
He replies, "They had eggs."
How do you get chewing gum out of your hair?