My wife told me I was immature. I just told her to get out of my pillow fort.
Pedophiles are fucking immature assholes.
Pedophiles are fucking immature assholes.
Say what you will of pedophiles, but you can't ignore their problem with immature ejaculation.
"I met a girl and she's 28."
"Now I'm the coolest guy in all of 8th grade."
How do you know when your girlfriend is too young?
You have to make airplane noises to get her to open her mouth.
Mom: You need to grow up. You're so immature.
Me: *glares* Get out of my castle....
Mom: It's a pillow fort.
Me: Why can't I have an imagination! ?
Mom: You're almost 19 years old.
Me: Not good enough... OUT!
Do you know why I hate pedophiles?
They are fucking immature kids!
My wife accused me of being immature, so I kicked her out of my "boys fort."
Hello people. I've seen your jokes are as immature as hell. Keep going with those jokes, people. We might earn the funniest jokes on this website.
Every depressed person just has to say, "I WANT TO JUMP OFF THAT TALL BUILDING RIGHT THERE!" and then points to the building and runs up to it like an immature child, and then they get disappointed when they aren't allowed into the building.
just saying this but i hate how many little kids there are on this site and when they post they have the worst posts about "sex" so im just saying how they act immature
Paedophiles are f***ing immature assholes.