
Gender Jokes

Why do more women than men oppose abortion? Because they prefer not to get raped

How do men like their women? Striped

How does priest like their children? Clean

Why are most orphans strippers? they want to call someone mommy or daddy

What is the difference between stripper and candy? none. but they like it when you take the wrapper off

Women be like porn is how we get money then gets angry when boys treat women like shit because they seen it on porn

How can you tell if an ant is a boy or a girl?

If it sinks it’s a girl. If it floats, it’s boy-ant (buoyant).

A guy and girl had sex poem competition. Guy: "Two times two is four, four plus five is nine. I can put mine in yours, but you can't put yours in mine." Girl: "Two times two is four, four plus five is nine. I know the length of yours, but you won't know the depth of mine."

There was a girl I used to date, only to find out that she used to be a man. You could say, she put me in a trans

One day, a little girl was texting her friend. " Guess what Angelica!" said the little girl

"What?" Angelica replied

"I'm a guy."

MAN A: ''is google male or female''?

MAN B: ''female because it does not let you finish the sentence before making a suggestion''.