What do you call a woman who says she can do anything a man can do?
What do you call a woman who says she can do anything a man can do?
The joke sets up an expectation of a punchline that defines the woman, but instead, it subverts this expectation with the simple word "Wrong". This is an example of anti-humor.
oh jesus
That's offensive to all women. On behalf of all the females in this world, f*** you, you @$$h0le piece of sh**
It’s a joke
The joke is in fact a fact. Prove me wrong, ask a woman to have a boner
Can we not get political in the comments?
Look up what sissy means and you tell me if a women can have a boner
I think what they are trying to get with this is that girls don’t have d*cus.
Joke is true, but vice-versa is as well. Idiots say both aren't. Men can't have a baby, women can't get a boner. Other stuff too for both genders. Shut up already
Trans women can get erections, don't be exclusive, and trans men can have babies (only if they want too because that would probably trigger major dysphoria) and also @julian feminism is not something to be looked down on, women deserve rights. ~your local demisexual panromantic nonbinary (previously a girl) Asian feminist
@quinn that comment made me regain faith in humanity. Thank you
- sincerely an aromatic pansexual female Indian feminist who is sick of misogyny
You're an idiot. Probably single and live in your mommas basement
Don't be and idiot.
Allrighty people so to start, morbid jokes are meant to be dark, funny, and sometimes offensive, and if you don't like it i'm talking to you Elita, then you should not be on this site.
Smh failed abortions
Have a women fertilize an egg dumb fuck only men can do that
Darkness of Being
Trans women are not women, have never been women, and will never be women.