
Gay Jokes

2 Asians walked into a strip club and they went to a cashier, they put in their names her name was he gay and his name was shi A ho

My mom: "Dear, I don't know why your grandma is spending more time with her friend carla, can you spy on her?"

Me: "Your mom gay lol"

My mom: "Don't talk about your grandma like that you rude girl"

You: "Your mom gay lol"

What if you put a scared homosexual guy and an angry homophobic guy inside a stable ?

Hmm let's see, if the homosexual guy has some good luck maybe he will meet a super unicorn and helps him out to defeat the angry homophobic guy :D


How do you find out if your kid is gay? Lock him in a closet and if he comes out his gay if not his dead straight.