
Funny Jokes

What is the best Christmas present ever? A broken drum! You just can't beat it! What do you call an angry reindeer? RUDE-olph! What is Santa's favourite breakfast? SnowFLAKES! What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations? Tinsel-itis!

Orphans are human too! They have parents like all of us, so I don't know why they're saying it's fun to make fun of an orphan. Have you ever been too cold and wondered if your parents are going to have another child and not you? That's not funny! It is %9000,000 NO!!!!!!!!!!

Guys, if you saw a post from someone pretending to be me, don't listen to them.

I'm just going to be out for 3 days, or maybe for a month break. There are a lot of fakers.

Why did Hellen Keller's dog run away?

I'm sure you would run away if your name was kjdhfkuaysbgfbkuejgf.