So I'm reading Hamlet, right? And then this one page they like, "Yo, like, Hamlet the fuck t tgo foff off KING speak, yo" 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 truth ong fr 😂 Face with thing is funny or... 😂 😂 😂 😂 the
Stupid Mary Jane was swinging on the swing.
Her momma said, "Stupid Mary Jane, don't swing so high, the boys will see your underwear!"
Stupid Mary Jane laughed and laughed. She knew she wasn't wearing no underwear.
Son: Mom, can I tell you something?
Mom: Yes, of course, honey, what's up?
Son: Ok, you have terrible jokes! They're not even funny!
Mom: Well, I made you.
What do you say to your pony when it's being wild?
Stop horsing around!
Hi guys, I'm back! So I have a question for you. What is red and smells like blue paint? Type in comments what you came up with.
Gwen and Prince chat and talk and discuss; we won't bother you! Here! Enjoy!
Who wants to laugh about life with me?
None of these jokes are close to funny! Btw, who the hell is Gwen?
You can assume a horse is called a great jumper when the horse’s name is “Polo Neck”.
A small boy went up to a dog fountain? The more you. HAHA gorgeous ddollars of benjamin frnakus wghen hes wearing beakini bea at the beach hahaha.
When I see two lovers name on a tree I don’t find it cute or funny, I think why would they be bringing a. Knife on a date.
the first ever joke :
all these jokes are all plane
Şehmus ne demiş? Ne bileyim, olm, ona sor.
What type of game is Africa playing at the moment?
The Hunger Games!
what did jessiey do jump and make a explosionnnnnnnn heyyyy gas
The West is dying...just like the romance of an empire, especially the western part of the empire. Funny that, 'cause the East was going strong.
hey baba girl I have balls you know
Have you ever seen the Pokemon called Ryh... Rhydon these nuts?