Recently I visited a restaurant in Crotone. When I was done eating, I told the waitress I was “Penaldo” with my food. She instantly knew that I was finished with my food.
what do you get when you mix a redneck and spicy food?
the worst shits you'll ever see
why does the flash eat ostreges because he likes fast food
Why was the twin towers angry
They ordered pepperoni but they only got plane
I like my women the way I like my sandwiches... A little meat between their buns
What long and black? The line at Popeyes.
*Breaking News!* - Apparently the first person in Melbourne has died because of the Coronavirus. In his house they found 1000 cans of food, 50 kilos of pasta, 80 kilos of rice, 300 toilet rolls and 50L of hand sanitiser which he had panic purchased from the supermarket and stock piled "just in case".
The whole lot collapsed and buried him.
What type of cookie has an orphan never had? Homemade cookies.
Why couldn't the orphan buy chips?
They were all family sized.
What's ghost's favorite food? I like some BOO-RITOS!
what does having sex with a woman and cooking an egg in a skillet have in common? A. both end with a loud annoying sound and a gooey mess to clean the shit up.
do you like pudding? pudding deez nutz in your mouth
y cant orphans eat at a fam restrant
bc ther is no fam
What do 7 year old girls want? To be ate!
What do you call a gay barbecue?
What do orphans and people eating oranges have in com ́n. They both are eating balls.
I like Cheetos.
What do you call a Turk eating turkey. A cannibal.
Happiness is like food, not everyone gets it
Why do orphans like apples because they get picked