What do super fancy music conductors wear?
A Louis baton.
But her ass was lookin' good all up in those mom jeans!
One day Little Johnny’s class is having an English lesson. The teacher asks them, “Who can use the word intelligent in a sentence?” Little Mary says, “The teacher is very intelligent.” The teacher asks them, “Who can use the word fashionable in a sentence?” Little Suzie says, “They are very fashionable.” The teacher says, “Johnny, why don’t you have a go? Use the word dictate in a sentence.” Johnny thinks for a moment and then says, "Last night I heard Daddy asking Mommy, ‘Darling, how does my dick taste?’”
I ran out of bras, so I wore...
My grandma's underpants!
Yo mama so fat, if she buys a fur coat, the WHOLE SPECIES will become extinct!
What is an emo kid's favorite song?
"Chain Hang Low" because he hangs low off a chain tied to a tree.
If one of ya'll could find my weave, that'd be great!
I wish I had emo nails,
So they could cut themselves.
Seems very long. You won't remember the telephone number...
I remember it like this from school days in Ireland.
Dolly Parton is shopping for a new bra. A lady says, "Your size is 69." Dolly says, "No way, that's too too too (222) big." So she goes to the doctor. "Doc, I need something to make my boobs smaller." "Here, take (51) pills for 6 days (x6)," and so she did. Days later, she ran back to the doc, "Jesus Christ doctor, look what happened. I'm BOOBLESS!" 55378008 upside down.
Why did the rapper wear a watch to the studio?
Because it was all about the TIMING.
My boyfriend always likes when I wear my fishnet sleeves. He says it looks great on me, but he doesn’t know that my skin is covered with scars... no one does. No one questions why I wear them everyday. I hope it stays like that because I can’t deal with my mom finding out that I still hurt myself.