If your shirt isn't tucked into your pants, does that mean your pants are tucked into your shirt?
Have you seen all the pants with crazy designs on them? I mean, britches be crazy!
As you can see here, Jessie is wearing a lot of concealer.
Why was the belt arrested? Because it held up pants.
This is crop tops! Go to crop tops and click each picture and look! Comment too.
Oh, and like!
Jeans! (DYM 98)
What do you call a fucked up mullet? A fullet.
What do you call a pretty person who loves Rolls? A roll model.
You’re looking pretty rough this evening. You look like if sweatpants were a person.
How does an emo greet people?
“What’s down?”
Emo people totally suck!
Your hairline is so screwed that Michael Jackson can't even moonwalk to your hairline.
You're so emo, the sun turned black.
What do you call a man who loves Adidas and Puma and drives a Volkswagen? Potential Nazi.
The Emo kid was late to his flight, so he needed to cut to the chase.
What do you call a crease join?
The Kardashians are just hyper realistic Barbies.
Why did the rapper go to the dentist?
To get a fresh set of GRILLZ.
What did the rapper say to his shoes?
"You better lace up!"
Why is it poetic when they have plenty of those German sandals in the store? Because they're Birkenstock.