What do you call an orphan in a room full of mirrors? Surrounded by loved ones.
I told an orphan two never stop talking until their parents come home
Now I can’t get it to shut up
My grandma was telling me to be positive. As i was going in for an aids test
mommy when will daddy come back? I'm not your mom...
What's moby dick's dads name( Papa Boner)
Why do orphans hate Geometry cuz it reminds them that their parents are poley-gone
y cant orphans eat at a fam restrant
bc ther is no fam
When i was at work i say this kid crying i said where are your parents. God i love working in a orphanage
A husband came back from business trip and found out that she was pregnant at first he got a bit suspicious but then he just ignore And hugs his wife with happiness the second when he meet his friend and tell him the news the friend just said " wait what I thought she was on pill"
An orphin usees a family bathroom and when he comes out he gets told this is a family bathroom
My sister says I’m annoying , or that’s what i read in her diary.
Why is orphans bad at hide and seek ? Because they can’t find there parents
Nobody really liked our fireplace. So I turned it into a brick pizza oven. Idk why but now everyone likes our fireplace.
Q: why did the family want to move out while the neighbors were playing tennis?
A: because they were a racquet!
My cousin said being gay was such a pain in the ass and I asked him why and I said, "Cuz you get buttfucked?" and he said, "No, I get made fun of." and I said, "Why? Cuz you get buttfucked?" and he said, "No, turd." Then I said, "Wow, at least I'm not the one with real pains in my ass, bro."
Yo mama so fat that she broke the scale when she put one foot on it.
This dad went out hunting, he killed a deer. He came home and he and his wife decided to have it for dinner but not tell their kids. Instead, they made them guess. The dad said, "It's something that daddy calls mommy." The little girl yells to her brother, "Don't eat it! It's an ass!"
What do you call an orphanage?
A parent-less shelter/homeless shelter.
The teacher called Little Johnny to her desk. She said: “This essay you’ve written about your pet dog is exactly the same essay your brother has written.”
“Of course it is,” said Johnny. “It’s the same dog.”
A game that all orphans hate,
"Who's your Daddy?"