
Environment Jokes

If you put your foot in a pond, your foot will get wet.

No joke, I just wasted about 5 or 6 seconds of your life.

A few male neighbors acme over the house to take a shower, because for some reason their house didn't have water. A few minutes later I walk into the shower I see the male neighbors and mom taking a shower together. Then I said what are you doing they all say were taking a shower together so we could save water.

I saw a petition on replacing gravestones with trees so it will be a beautiful forest.

Son: Where's grandma?

Three men were in a desert. One man was holding a jug, the 2nd was holding a paper bag, and the last was holding a car door. A man came around and asked the 1st why he had a jug. He said it was his water and if he got thirsty, he would take a drink.

Then he asked the second why do you have a paper bag? The guy said this is my packed lunch, so if I get hungry, I will eat my lunch.

Then he asked the last man why he has a car door and he said if he got hot he would roll down the window.