I would roast you but burning trash is bad for the environment.
I'm still not sure how I'm not in jail or have been fined for littering. When I was born, I was born in a hospital trash can, therefore making me a literal piece of trash. That being said, any time I'm out in public, I'm a piece of litter.
What do Michael Jackson and Tesco carrier bags have in common? They’re both made out of plastic and harmful to children.
I don't have a carbon foot print, I just drive everywhere.
Don’t kill the Earth, it’s the only one with beer
What do turtles and lesbians have in common?
They both choke on plastic.
What do turtles and lesbians have in common? They both choke on plastic.
What is the difference between climate change and the greenhouse effect, once a philosopher, twice a sodomite?
Keep the planet clean. It's not Uranus.
In 2013, it was reported that China has lost around 28,000 rivers; over half of what they thought existed. Some say climate change is the cause, others say it’s their harsh, economic expansion that’s unapologetic to the environment.
My theory is that those 28,000 rivers were sold to underground river-sex trafficking.
How do you clean the ocean? With tide
Vegans:Save the Earth Normal People:Were trying to but you guys keep eating it
A few male neighbors acme over the house to take a shower, because for some reason their house didn't have water. A few minutes later I walk into the shower I see the male neighbors and mom taking a shower together. Then I said what are you doing they all say were taking a shower together so we could save water.
What's the worst living thing on planet earth? Humans
I speak for the trees * Trees whisper in my ear* They said six million wasn't enough
Q) What do trees call deforestation ? A) TREASON
I saw a petition on replacing gravestones with trees so it will be a beautiful forest Son: wheres grandma?
There was an oil spill in the ocean. Now the ocean can't Sea!
If we can't see air, can fish see water?
How is the world like dirt?Because we don't think twice about it.