Are yo an egg cause your jokes aint funny
What’s the difference between an egg and a wank?
You can beat an egg
what do you say after you throw a egg at someone? yolks on you!
A chicken walks into a bar.
He orders Dr. Pepper.
He then lays a good scrambled egg.
So, I know that there are a lot of egg yolks on this website, and I guess I got beat to it, but I'm eggcited to say eggsactly what the eggs say.
I know I'm bad at this, but I hope you will crack up anyway.
What do you Call A Skeletons egg?.... A eggiBONE
Why was the egg naughty? Because he wanted a good cracking!
Me and my mom order Chinese food. My mom grab the egg roll, and start licking it up and down, and sucking on it in from of the Chinese delivery. I said why are you doing that for. Then my mom I love him a long time so we don't have to pay for the food.
My wife went to make a cake the recipe said separate two eggs so she put one egg in the living room
Are you enjoying my yolks? I bet they're making you crack up. If not, I better scramble.
Aren't my egg yolks amazing? Don't they make you crack up? If not, I better scramble!
Whats an eggs favorite phrase? an EGGspresion
When do eggs hatch? At the CRACK of dawn
Which came first the chicken or the egg.....
Eggs don’t cum
I always loved going to Bill Cosby's house; he always greeted me when I woke-up with "Rapey-rapey, eggs and bakey".
I have a lot of eggcellent egg puns, get the yolk... Oh come on, don't be hard-boiled!
Why does the egg crack cos it's sad
- I think you're EGGcellent.
+ Wow... You really CRACK ME UP with that joke. I think you're a EGGxtraordinary comedian.
- Really? Are you done yet?.
+ Are you kidding? I have a DOZEN of them.
I was baking a cake when I saw some egg shell in the mix. I said “you’ve got to be yolking me”