The people in 9/11 were the fastest readers. They went through 10 stories in 10 seconds.
Boom, it went.
Me: Bro, I don't think the Twin Towers will ever order pizza again.
Friend: Why?
Me: Because when they ordered pepperoni, all they got was plane.
Here comes the airplane.
9/11 happens the next day.
Are you a building because I rate you a 9/11?
Why were the Twin Towers mad when they ordered pizza?
One arrived plain, one came in late, one went to the wrong address, and the other one never came.
Why were there so many victims in the Grenfell flat fire disaster in London?
All the exit signs were in English.
What does my family and the Twin Towers have in common? We both played Jenga.
What was the first thing that went through the 9/11 victims' heads?
Their ankles.
Why were the Twin Towers mad?
They ordered pepperoni and got plane.
What would happen if a dam broke when you are on it?
You would be dam unlucky.
The Twin Towers should've known they were gonna get hit when their mom said, "Here comes the airplane!"
What do the Twin Towers and my ad's condom both have in common?
They both broke and everybody cried.
C'mon guys, 9/11 jokes are just plane wrong.
The people at 9/11 must have been able to read fast. If I explain it, it won't be funny. This is an old joke my friend told me.
My sister reminds me of 911: one moan of "OMG" got everyone's attention.
What's the difference between the Twin Towers and the people at the old folks home?
They both collapsed.
Did you hear about the flood at the circus? Lots of people drowned, and there were two clowns that survived and two nuns still in the audience.
The two clowns ran over to the two nuns, and each one put a nun on his shoulder. Then they waded out of the big top, up to their waists in the rapid, turbulent water. As they were reaching dry land, one clown said to the other, "If you ask me, this is virgin on the ridiculous!"
Did you hear that the governor's mansion in Alabama burned down?
Almost took out the whole trailer park.
What did the chef on the titanic scream as he tried to finish the dishes- "oh no the sink sank!"