
Pedestrian Jokes

I walked up to a man, and he said, "How's the weather up there?" and then I pushed him into the street to get hit by a bus.

A man is standing on the side of the road, waiting to cross, when another man stands alongside him. The first man says, "I have been waiting to cross here for ages. It's impossible to cross."

The second man says, "There is a zebra crossing up the road." He said, "I hope he is having better luck than I am!"

(A scientist time travels into the year 2024) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Scientist: So, what happened with the storming of Area 51?

Pedestrian: Oh, you mean The 51 Massacre?

Husband: my wife and I went to the beach today Husband: She was wearing a blue wetsuit Husband: The second we entered the beach Pedestrians: TSUNAMI TSUNAMI