Why were the Twin Towers mad?
Because they bought a pepperoni pizza, but they got plane.
Why were the Twin Towers mad?
Because they bought a pepperoni pizza, but they got plane.
You know how bad of a person you are when you figure out how long you wait to smash. For me and my girlfriend, it was between the first plane crash and the last tower falling.
When the South Tower saw the North Tower collapse, he said, "I'm still standing."
Why was the tower of Pisa leaning?
They had better reflexes than the trading center.
What's the difference between a dad and the Twin Towers? The Twin Towers went black and never came back, and the dad was black and just didn't come back.
"Hello, this is your captain speaking. We are flying at a level of 89 feet. If you look out of your window on the left, you will see the World Trade Center."
There was a magician on board the Titanic and said that he could make anything disappear.
Once the ship had gone down one of the passengers said to him, "Go on, so what did you do with the ship then?"
Kobe Bryant and 9/11 are two things I don't joke about because when I do, they tend to crash and burn.
A short person should never piss off a fat person taller than them. The fat person just has to lean slightly, and it's 9/11 all over again.