A short person should never piss off a fat person taller than them. The fat person just has to lean slightly, and it's 9/11 all over again.
Fat person: "Hey, what's up?"
Friend: "Your blood pressure!"
How did the fat person cross the road?
It rolled.
What would be a good job for a fat person? A four-chin teller!
What do you call a fat person in a wheelchair?
A broken wheelchair.
How do you know when a fat person stops eating? You read about it in the obituary.
When a fat person steps on a scale, it says: “To be continued.”
If a fat person were to go on a flying car, it will just be at the ground. When they exit, it will just fly up.
When you want Pringles, but a fat person was eating them, there were only three left, sweety.
What is the difference between a fat person and a whole pizza?
Well, a whole pizza cannot eat a fat person.
yo hairline is so bad is looks like a fat persons stomach
When a fat person wants to kill themselves... why are they so worried? The diabetes will get to them sooner or later!
I was driving a car and a fat person was crossing the street. When I swerved my car to miss her, I ran out of gas.