
Difference Jokes

What's the difference between the milkman and my dad? Nothing they are both 1 thing except he never returns with milk.

(I've been eating cereal with water COMBINATION)

Husband: “Honey, what’s the difference between a Ferrari and an erect*on?” Wife: “ok... what is it?” Husband: “I don’t have a Ferrari right now”.

What’s the difference between life and a rape joke life fucks your until you stop breathing,a rape joke fucks you until it’s not funny anymore

What’s the difference between a female farmer and Hitler’s girlfriend? One bails her hay and the other heils her bae.

What's the difference between Woody from Toy Story, and a Catholic priest?

One goes limp when a child walks in the room.

Whats the difference between an orphan and a second hand book?

The second hand book was loved once..