Dark Humor

Dark Humor

My elderly relatives liked to tease me at weddings, saying, “You’ll be next!” They soon stopped though, once I started doing the same to them at funerals.

Noose: "Hey man, wanna hang out?"

Corpse: "Sorry man, I'm dead inside."

How many Emo kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, they all sit in the dark and cry.

Son: Mom, what's dark humor?

Mom: Do you see that man without arms over there? Tell him to clap.

Son: Mom, I’m blind.

Mom: Exactly.

How do you get 50 hungry kids into a box. You put a can of beans in there.

how do you get 50 hungry kids out of a box. you run pass with a can opener.

I can tell a joke :)

Twinkle, twinkle, there's a car Coming like a shooting star. I will stand in the way. I will not be seen again. Are you happy I am dead? Now you made it to the end.

What does this website with its comments and a cult have in common?

We have a case of Witzelsucht.

When I see the names of lovers engraved on a tree, I don't find it cute or romantic. I find it weird how many people take knives with them on dates.

My wife left a note on the fridge that said, "This isn't working." I'm not sure what she's talking about. I opened the fridge door and it's working fine!

I asked someone why they were crying. They told me that they had to abort their twins.

Then someone yelled "DAMN DOUBLE HOMICIDE!"