I say 1 2 3 all the kids bullied me but now they're not so cool cuz I shot up the school
Why aren't dogs good at dancing? Cuz they have 2 left feet!
Do you guys know why women have small feet? It's cuz god created them to stand closer to the sink when they wash dishes
The reason steven sounds like a computer cuz he ate his usb
My sister's boyfriend is mad at me because I fucked his girl.
Why did little billy drop his ice cream cone?
Cuz he got hit by a bus while crossing the street.
there's three kids: little drop, little feather, and little brick. Little feather goes "mommy why do u call me l'feather"? She answers "cuz a little feather fell over your head when u were born". L'drop asks to his mom "mommy why do u call be l'drop"? She answers "cuz a little drop fell on your head when you were born". L'brick goes " aafddkcasgbklcdahjkcbgtnhrfn"
What's the city with the fastest growing population? Ireland cuz it's Dublin everyday
Me: I look up to you Friend: Wow, thanks! Me: But in general cuz your so tall
why did 1 eat 2 cuz he was hungry
Teacher; why did the skeleton know the weather outside(shrugs shoulders) student; cuz he could feel it in his bones(lenny face) teacher:no he read the weather report you fucking idiot
In Saudi Arabia, our pick up lines are, Girl are you a terrorist? Cuz you da bomb
Pickup line; Hey mama, you school? Cuz I'd like to shoot some kids up in you.
Huys go to this link......................................................................................https://worstjokesever.com/jokes/5b3937c1a328f6072c316bd6/hey-guys-who-wants-to-play-roblox-with-me-we-can-go-om-cool-maps-my-name-is-xx_robloxgamer420_xx-pleeease-lets-play-rol......................................................................and read it bumt dont dislike cuz itd retarded
Friend 1: I HATE YOU! Friend 2: *cries* b-but i-i didnt say t-that!! Friend 3: *writes on paper with pencil cuz is so bored* Me: *points at pencil lead* NOW NOW NOW THIS HAS *LEAD* TO SOME SERIOUS FRIENDSHIP LOSS! plz shut up. All my friends: *groan at horrible pun*
Why can’t moons walk?
Cuz they have no legs stupid
Why did the Duck go to rehab?
Cuz he was a Quackhead.
Who’s the hottest girl in the world? Babe Ruth cuz she catches the sun
Are you a lightbulb, cuz you BRIGHTEN UP my day
Dead people can’t cross the street cuz there dead ha ha