
Compliment Jokes

I complimented my neighbor's skeleton decoration for Halloween but they just told me that it's their anorexic daughter.


Did you just come from a bakery? Because you’ve got the hottest pair of buns I’ve seen all week.

They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Well, apparently, no one has ever been standing next to you.

What did one man say to his friend who had a receding hairline?

He said, “Hey, friend, I can see that your head definitely has a brighter future than mine.”

A wife asks her husband: am I pretty or ugly? The husband awnsers her: pretty. The wife responds: thank yo- The husband interrupts her: PRETTY UGLY!

So two people are on a date and the guy says “wow you are so beautiful” then the girl says “you just want to have sex” then the guy adds “SMART TO!”

three people having sex is a threesome two people is a twosome so next time someone calls you handsome don't take it as a compliment

Say Hey your pretty then she'll say omg thank you so much or something cringe then you say pretty f ing ugly aha gottie