why didn't the Japanese guy a high five? logan paul left him hanging
My friend told me an emo joke once, and I said, "Emo jokes aren't funny, cut it out!"
You really can't call Starlin bad. Just think about the people that wanted to die
My mom said she wanted to be a comedian when she grows up. So after she was an adult, she had kids. When they were old enough, she told them you could be whatever you want...
Danny Devito looks like one of those men with a short, yet thick penis.
I wasn't going to tell another emo joke, but I didn't want to leave anyone hanging.
1 "Knock knock."
2 "Who's there?"
1 "Interrupting physicist."
2 "Interrupting who?"
1 "Muon!!!"
Helen Keller once dated a brick wall.
My friend looks like a homeless, thanks for the jokes.
"I hope my death would make more sense than my life."- Joker
What do you call an overweight psychic?
A four chin teller.
knock knock whos there not stephen hawking
Sad to think about legend O.G. Mudbone being no longer with us.
I’m only curious how they closed his casket.
Anyone got any good Floyd jokes? I really need them to take my breath away.
I’d make a Kobe joke it just wouldn’t land right
Quoting the great Jimmy Carr: "When I cook, I make sure there are vegetarian options. They can make do, or they can fuck off."
Hi I’m joe
Şehmus ne demiş? Ne bileyim, olm, ona sor.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Joem who?
Joem Ama.
Hey, you know what I told the kid in a wheelchair?
I told him to be a stand-up comedian!