lmao why do people think they can fly
What the similarities of GTA V and 9/11. A plane can be stolen and crashed into a building by a bunch of terrorists.
If you jump off a building and yell "parkour," how can they tell that it was intentional? T'was a failed stunt
“My Mum told me the best time to ask my Dad for anything was during sex. Not the best advice I’d ever been given. I burst in through the bedroom door saying, ‘Can I have a new bike?’ He was very upset. His secretary was surprisingly nice about it. I got the bike.”
Why does a orphan go to a sewer So it can wash up
My mom was cooking dinner and asked me if I could get her a cutting board
“No I need you to take off your shirt and lay on the island so I can cut some chicken”.
One time their was a depressed man standing in the middle of a train track a girl said excuse me can you move please I’m trying than the man stopped her sentence and said how is your t shirt so clean than she said back easy hung it up
Why do emo kids cost so much? Because they’re the only people you can scan at the checkout machine.
people have been telling me that you can get things for free now
the other day i saw a sign saying " FREE PALESTINE "
What type of horse can jump higher than a house? all houses cant jump
How can you tell a bow n' arrows scared? He starts to quiver! ;)
I like Christmas. It’s the holiday where an old man breaks into people’s homes so he can give them toys. :) yaaaaay 😁
My wife (or husband) told me to get 6 cans of Sprite from the grocery store. I had just realized when I got home that I had picked 7-up
What do a jack-o-lantern and an emo have in common? They can both carve a new emotion.
So can we agree that Jesus was the first victim of cancel culture?
1 like and whatever you say in the comments I'll do but one rule it can be only 2-4 hours in or out of Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire
When someone calls me ugly, I get sad and hug them.
I know life can be difficult for those with weak vision. );
What's the difference between E-T and an orphan E-T can phone home