What is Pink Floyd in Princess Diana have in common Their last big hit was the wall
What do Marie Antoinette and 2005-2012 Korn have in common?
They're both Headless.
Only one band is capable of affording the insurance on supercars. UB40!
What did the skeleton play when he joined the band?
A tromBONE.
I was at a concert in the front row, and I shouted something to the band's guitarist. He took it the wrong way and responded: "I'm going to go down there and hit you with my guitar!"
And I replied: "Is that a death fret?"
I was at a My Chemical Romance meet and greet that Gerard didn’t attend, I just thought... “NO WAY!”
What do a 100-year-old pornstar and The White Stripes have in common? Icky Thump!
What song do you play at a emo kid's funeral?
House of Pain—"Jump Around."
I play saxophone, and I like to tell everyone I am a registered s/o (short for saxophone operator) in hopes of one day starting a jazz band, but now everyone looks at me weird, and when I go to house parties to perform, everyone hides their children, but little do they know I LOVE children. For some reason, I got multiple restraining orders because I said, “I want to touch the kids so they can one day become musicians themselves... like Michael Jackson.” I have then since moved from my hometown to Florida, where I can meet up with other s/o’s, and surprisingly, they have similar stories to me, but they say they have never even touched a saxophone, but they do like touching kids, which I’m all down for, just me and my buddies showing the new youth their abilities.
Update: i figured out what they meant by s/o is not the same as my s/o :(
Did you hear about the band Manhole? I hear they're a metal cover.
Stephen Hawking tried joining some music bands, but all of them rejected him... except Daft Punk.
What does Jonathan Davis eat for breakfast?
Korn Flakes.
People's music when friends are around: *rock*
When they are gone: "Come on, vamanos, everybody let's go!"
What's got 9 arms and sucks?
Def Leppard.
What is 14 inches long and starts with D?
A Dookie From GREEN DAY
Ever heard of the band "Nothing but Thieves"?
Yeah, it's called RobberBand.
Which band doesn’t make music?
One Direction.
What do you use to strap an eagle's nest together?
An eagle-lastic band!
What’s the difference between me and Chester Bennington?
I know how to use an exercise band.