What’s the only positive thing about Freddie Mercury’s death?
The HIV test results.
What’s the only positive thing about Freddie Mercury’s death?
The HIV test results.
The bands Def Leppard and Blind Melon did a collaboration.
They called the song “Helen Keller.”
Me and my friends are going to create a Steps tribute band. We are all in wheelchairs, so we are going to be called "Ramps."
I love Little Mix.
What has eight legs and doesn’t rape children?
The Jackson 4.
I’d like to be a One Direction poster because I want to be nailed to the wall by a teenage girl ;)
I'm taking a guitar lesson at school. My band instructor told me he was going to hit me with my guitar. I asked him if that was a fret.
roses are red violets are blue when The Oh Hellos saw you they said "Shoo"