
Bad Jokes

I would tell you a good joke but I can’t so here is a bad one

I would tell you a joke about a teacher but she’d kill you at school

My dog used to chase people on a bike a lot. It got so bad, finally I had to take his bike away.

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They say that bad thing ́s happen to good people. So if you get runned over by a car just know your a good person.

Pete: Knock Knock... Paul: Who's there? Pete: Boo... Paul: Boo who? Pete: Don't cry it was only a joke! Paul: I'm going to cry! It was such a bad joke!!!

Hi gwen how is life!

A.Bad, lame, and suckish

B. Good, awesome and you are loved!

C. Perfect!

I'm guessing that your life is NOT B nor C! Man your such an asshole!