A young boy was talking to his friend about his family: " My great-grandfather fought against Napoleon, my grandfather fought against the English, my father fought against the Americans and my uncle against the Argentinians." The friend replied: " It seems that your family can't get along with anybody!" GPerri Milano
Americans: Miles per hour Europeans: Bullets per kid...
How do you know that Americans hate exercise? 9/11. How else do you explain hundreds of them jumping to their death rather than taking the stairs?!
Why do japenees people hate I phones because there scared that American air drop will fall on it
Q. What do Alexander the great and Winnie the pooh have in common? A. Same middle name 😂
Why was the American kid late to school? Because he was too busy putting on his bullet proof vest
A science teacher got on the Space Shuttle Challenger but winning a contest out of 11,000 other teachers. Imagine being one of the losing teachers in that contest watching the Space Shuttle Challenger and be like, "Talking about dodge a bullet."
Why are school shootings branded “very American”?
1. They usually happen in the usa 2. They’re like the forth of July: there’s a lot of loud banging and kids screaming
why are americans such good chess players?
because they lost 2 towers.
What did the American say to the russian?? Why u always russian