
American Jokes

A young boy was talking to his friend about his family: " My great-grandfather fought against Napoleon, my grandfather fought against the English, my father fought against the Americans and my uncle against the Argentinians." The friend replied: " It seems that your family can't get along with anybody!" GPerri Milano

How do you know that Americans hate exercise? 9/11. How else do you explain hundreds of them jumping to their death rather than taking the stairs?!

Why was the American kid late to school? Because he was too busy putting on his bullet proof vest

A science teacher got on the Space Shuttle Challenger but winning a contest out of 11,000 other teachers. Imagine being one of the losing teachers in that contest watching the Space Shuttle Challenger and be like, "Talking about dodge a bullet."

Why are school shootings branded “very American”?

1. They usually happen in the usa 2. They’re like the forth of July: there’s a lot of loud banging and kids screaming