Amativeness Jokes

Hi I'm Claire, I am new to this website. I have been seeing these "Legends" and I've been tracking one specifically, watersharky. I have questions about him. Is he nice?, Protective?, Single? If anyone has anymore information about him please tell me.

I watched the series of unfortanet events 4 times all the shows 4 times, : me -crying - I am trying to finish the rest then my brother comes in and says it is PG, ( parent guidens) after that.... My brother called me a bAby then he pushed me off my bed.😭

me: ok so let's get this straight.... cop: I'm not straight ok, now get in the car me: but I didn't do anything? cop: no me: so why are you arresting me then? cop: imma tell you a story me: oh no....... cop: I know, now come on. me: ok where? cop: my room. me: which room? cop: my bedroom me:😱im a girl cop:so am I, now get in me: but I'm 9 cop: I'm 59

A nun went to the pub and ordered a gin the bartender said to her I thought nuns weren’t allowed to drink and she said not usually but I am doing the bishop a favour the bartender then asked if she was coming to the music evening and she said no I am with the bishop tonight.

<img src="" alt="Image result for a white plane"/> i guess this is pretty plane i am sorry i am just winging it wow i guess these jokes haven't taken of Wow i just landed that one

There are 5 cows in a field 1 of them is the mom the rest are kids one of the kids walked up to the mom and asked why am I named Daisy and then a daisy fell on her head, The 2econt cow came up to the mom and asked why am I named rose and then a rose fell on her head, then the 3rd cow said why am I named violet then a violet fell on her head then the 4th cow walked up and said merrrbere then the mom said shutup sinderblock

a man came up to a girl a bout to jump off a cliff the man said why she then replies their are many monster in this world and i am one of them.

I am a racist and i put my milk before cereal...well, to be honest that was when i had milk, but one day my dad says he was going to get some...then he left. Now when i see a black guy, I yell "Thanks for picking the cotton to make my shirt"

frenid: r u gay me: yes u frenid: no I am bi me: dang it frenid: what me: i like u frenid: ok I like u to