
African Jokes

Q: What difference between Americans and Africans? A: some of them have food and some of them don't have food.

I read the joke "what we breath is called oxygen,that is African food" to my African friend,but he is breathing in tears from his mother dying of hunger...

yo mama so fat that if she didn't eat for a day there would be enough food to feed africans for 500 years

An African man was walking in New York when he saw a sign that said, "Watch out for children."

He started laughing hysterically, then a white man asked him, "Why are you laughing?"

He said, "In Africa, they would never put up a sign like that."

There was a house with a three-story building.

The first one had Mexicans.

The second one had Africans.

The third one had white people.

An earthquake came.

But who did survive?

The white family because they were at work.

Well, yo mama is fat, and when she loses weight, all the food that she has is hers, but the Africans get none.

Today I feel Qatari. Today I feel Arab. Today I feel African. Today I feel gay. Today I feel disabled. Today I feel a migrant worker.