"You're da bomb!" "No, you're da bomb!"
In America, a compliment. In the Middle East, an argument.
Do you know why God created wars? To teach Americans geography.
Do you know why the Japanese have squinted eyes? Because nukes are bright.
What's the difference between Dubai and Abu Dhabi? -- People in Dubai don't like the Flintstones but people in Abu Dhabi doooo.
What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing, they just WAVED. Can you SEA what I did there? I'm SHORE you did. Why are you so SALTY? Don't be a BEACH.
How do you make someone in Africa disappointed?
Sing "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head."
Nazis have marched in Melbourne. Are you sure Eric Clapton and Carrie Underwood are not touring in Australia?