Have you heard of the current event in Africa? It’s called the Hunger Games.
What is the favorite dish in Africa? The empty one.
Dark humor never gets old, like kids from Africa.
How do you start a rave in Africa? stick a pizza onto the ceiling.
What is Africa’s most played game The hunger games
The W in African stands for water.
What war did Africa not win? The water fight.
public speaking is a more popular fear then snakes and you don't see anyone walking in australia and shout look out a podium
If you really think about it every market in Africa is a black market
Why is there no gambling in Africa?
Too many Cheetahs.
The W in Africa stands for water.
what is eligal in aferca what water guns
What do you call meat in an oven? Africa
What is the only video game to be ever made in Africa?
Where's my water
What restaurant does Africa own? M.T Bellies
What the difference between a water bottle and Africa? One has water the other one doesn’t
Have you ever eaten African food?
why did the white girl come back from african
because they was no water for her to drink i'm black