
Adult Jokes

I never liked unnatural adult stars with implants and face surgeries...because they look photoshopped and they always need to require a ton of lube to get into due to how plastic they are.

My parents came back from their vacation in Florida and all I got is this lousy nursemaid from Miami named mammie

No offense to anyone though. I don’t understand why everyone is bullying a person named Gwen?

My opinion is well “it’s is just a regular person wanting to do jokes. You never no. It could be an adult or a kid.”


Leave her alone. Thank you. 😁

What does broccoli and sex have in common? If you were forced to have it as a kid, you’re gonna hate it as an adult.

Bonjour all ;-) , nd here a frog ( French) joke lol. qui a inventé le mètre et qui a inventé le centimètre? (who invented the meter, and who invented the centimeter ?) Answer: Adam à inventé le mêtre , parce qu'il voulait le (mettre) de dans ...(Adam invented the meter because he wanted to put it in). Eve à inventée le centimetre, parce qu'elle voulait, le sentir- metre ( centimetre) Eve invented the centimeter, because she wanted to fill it when going in...

When a kid says "I'm a pedophile" it means that he has a crush on one of his classmates.

When an adult says it; he is accused as a rapper.