Why does Japan not allow little boys to run?
Because the last time a little boy came, Japan lost a state.
Why is it so hard to break up with a Japanese girl?
You have to drop the bomb twice before she gets it.
The other day I went to a museum. My friend and I went to the Holocaust section, and he got choked up when he saw the Anne Frank picture. I asked him, "Why are you sad? It's just an ashtray."
Two guys watching a war movie at a bar are talking. One says to the other, "The Nazis starved my dad to death in a concentration camp during the war."
The other says, "My dad died in a camp as well... he broke his neck."
First guy says, "How did he break his neck?"
Second guy says, "He fell out of the guard tower."
Whoever killed Adolf Hitler is MY hero!
Who killed Hitler goes to Heaven.
*looks up*
Oh, never mind.
What did the Nazi say when a doll hit his daughter?
A-doll Hitler!
Hitler isn’t really a bad guy, after all he did kill hitler himself
My Japanese friend told me a Peral Harbor joke. I told him he bombed it.
What is the difference between Usain Bolt and Hitler?
Usain Bolt can finish a race.