What's the worst thing to happen to a Japanese person in WW2... being drafted as a kamikaze pilot, or existing with a Fat Man or Little Boy?
Hitler only wanted peace.
A piece of Poland, a piece of Czechoslovakia, and a piece of Turkey.
What was Hitler known for?
His exceptional cost efficiency.
Guys, don’t put the Holocaust books in the fiction section, it was the worst mistake of my life!
Why did hitler kill himself? Cause gas prices were too high
Who's better, Hitler or Jesus?
Hitler: Jesus made bread for 1000 whereas Hitler made meat for 10,000. 😅😅😅😅 (no offense)
(To circumcised people)
What was Hitler's favorite thing to do to pass the time?
My grandpa died during World War II. He was the best concentration camp guard they have ever seen. RIP.
My grandfather died at Auschwitz.
Poor fella fell off the guard tower.
What did Hitler tell the eye doctor?
“I can na-zi.”
What was the Nazi racing tournament in 1943?
You know Hitler loves you when he comes up to you on Valentine's Day and he says, "Will you be my Valenein?"
What do you call Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
The world's first microwaves.
When you think about it, Hitler wasn’t a bad person. He killed Hitler.
Why did Hitler's girlfriend break up with him? He Hit-ler.
You know, when women clean their nails with chemicals, no one cares, but when Hitler tries to clean Poland with chemicals, everyone goes crazy.
What did the German Shepherd dog say to Hitler?
"Mein Führer ist steckenbleiben in meinen Zähnen."
Hitler was the most handsome man alive.
Everyone died for him.
Wanna go to suicide school, then time travel to Hitler's bunker and ask him to teach you?
Why did Hitler commit suicide?
He got the gas bill.