Two kids were beating up a kid in an ally, so I stepped into help. He didn’t stand a chance against the three of us.
pov:her name is alli
A student asked a teacher how do you pronounce this word it's spelled A-L-L-I-E-D. The teacher was about to answer but then the student said, "actually I know how to pronounce it, I lied," (allied)
Two girls are at a play and are about to go on the stage.
Ally before the other girl gos on stage: break a leg!
Rachel: alright!
On stage, Rachel trips over a stand and breaks her leg
Rachel calling backstage: I broke my leg!
there are women complaining about being r@ped. JUST DON'T GO NEAR DARK ALLIES WITH A SPORTS BRA ON. 😁
hi bye
my dad- you better ware flip-flopped everywhere suicidal son-goes to crack ally
one day a man was walking in a ally when a crack head atakes him so then man shoots him in the head and runs inside his home when he gose to his wife she asks him if he saw her dad.
These nine kids were being bullied by these 10 guys in an ally. So, I thought I would help.
It was 9/11 all over again.