If you take a cap off a bottle, is it decapitation?
How does the bunny keep his fur neat?
With a hare brush.
What do you get when you cross a vacuum and a rooster?
A cock sucker.
I just shed my pants.
Knock knock?
Who's there?
Willis who?
Willis dick fit in yo mouth?!
How does Moses make his cup of tea?
He brews it.
What do you call a ghost's fart?
A spirit bomb.
What do you call a banana eating a banana?
I hear skeletons like to play the saxaBONE, though I think the tromBONE would be better, but tibia honest, both can be HUMERUS, wouldn't wanna hurt your funny bone, but I think your starting to get BONELY so I'll stop pulling your leg. Now get out before I give you a bad time.
What do you call a sad coffee?
What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?
A “Lickalottapuss”.
I did so much research that I got bone-tired from doing this, tibia honest. You probably didn't find that humerus. I got a skeleton of these puns. I guess I could learn a femur puns. I was wondering if the creators of this site could talus how they come up with puns or maybe give some advice? I'm only 14 years old.
What do you call an Indian in a Lamborghini?
CURRY in a hurry.
16 is a knight? Mail.
Q: What do you call a clean idiot?
A: Soap on a Dope.
What do you call a skeleton's omelet?
A bonelet.
What do you call an ice skating dwarf?
A midget spinner.
If I hung myself from a cliff, would people call me a cliffhanger?
I was working at the bank today when an old lady came up to me and asked me to check her balance.
So I pushed her over.
What do you do when you made a misteak?
You do some yoga 🧘♀️ and say, "Namaaa steak."