Whats between a wife and a husband?
A divorce
My wife told me "don't buy 1 gun while on your trip" so I decided to buy 2 guns instead
Why did the tall building fall?
It was September 11th
to be brutally honest i think his wife let him die for money cos they could just plug him back in, surely they have an android cable about?
Who did Stephen Hawking love more that anyone else?
His Wife, "Eye" who was also bad at running.
What’s worse than giving women rights Them I having It in the first place
Whats better than throwing up a stillborn? Making your wife eat it again
What do you say to a woman who is completely beaten up on her face, full of bruises and a broken jaw?
Will you listen now?!?!?
When ur husband can’t afford for a punching bag he uses his wife
My and my penis never truly understood the words Booby traps until we met the x wife, Gods gift of self will was working fine until my penis went hard and my mind went blank and God started laughing and I swear I herd him say Booby trap as he walked away! True story
What’s pink, nine inches, and makes my wife cry when I shove it down her throat?
Her Miscarriage
Why didnt the wife want sex?