A man walked into a bar with an AK-47 with a 50-round mag and yelled out, "Who the fuck fucked my wife?" Everyone was quiet.
One man at the back stood up and called, "Sorry mate, but I don't think you have enough bullets."
Russia went from N-95 to M-16 real quick...
What do you call a kid in a wheelchair with a gun? RG-XD
How do you win an argument against an emo kid?
Give him a gun, he'll just shoot himself.
I say 123, yeah, the kids bullied me, but they really don't know that my dad has a gun, yeah.
Know the nuclear bombs of the world.
🇷🇺🧨 a “bad” bomb
🇨🇳🧨 “ww3”
🇬🇧🧨 a “good” bomb
🇺🇸🧨 Japanese area testing
🇮🇱🧨 what bomb
🇮🇷🧨 just self defence
When the guy came in with a gun to rob the store, I said: "Hey, can I borrow that?"
He says "yes." Me, over here, walking to the cashier and saying: "Goodbye!" He screams: "Have mercy!"
I say: "No, not to you, to me. Say goodbye." He says: "No, don't shoot yourself!" It was too late.
My life is like a grenade... I pull off the ring and, BOOM, it explodes!