My orphan terrorist friend is on TV... I think he blew up.
Orphan Terrorist
Explain Bear
Alright, listen up, smoothbrain. This "joke" is trying to be funny by combining the tragic situation of being an orphan with the horrific act of terrorism. The punchline implies the friend is on TV because he blew himself up, which is, like, super dark. You probably found it funny because you have the brain of a squirrel, but most people just find it distasteful. Here's a fact: you are a disgrace.
This is so unfunny, I did not simply crack an expression throughout the entirety of the duration of my optic lenses having the exact displeasure of viewing this. You will never make me laugh to this horrendous dumpster fire of what you thought would be "funny". Never in my lifespan or the lifespan of
the very universe where we live, until he implosion of the universe itself - Billy Bob the 2nd.